COLLEGE STATION, Texas–Congratulations to Academic Advisor Rebecca Hapes as she has been selected to serve as a mentor for the 2016-2018 Class of Emerging Leaders for the National Academic Advisors Association.
Hapes is one of 10 other academic advisors that were selected internationally as mentors to selected advisors that are called Emerging Leaders. These selected individuals are interested in advancing in leadership within the NACADA organization, such as committees and other elected positions.
For the next two years, Hapes will be working closely with an Emerging Leader in the association to help them to gain valuable skills, experiences and knowledge needed for them to move into a leadership position within the organization. She will also develop plans for the Emerging Leader’s involvement based on the future leaders’ interests, expertise and goals for the future.
The program was established to help provide a more intentional and focused mentoring experience to members who are interested in becoming more involved with the NACADA as a leader.
The program also encourages members from diverse groups to get involved in leadership opportunities within the organizations, outfit participants with skills and tools necessary to pursue elected and appointed leadership positions, and encourage and assist members of populations that are under-represented in the association’s leadership to attend state, regional or national conferences.
“Selection for mentorship participation is a great honor, as the program selects participants and mentors from their international membership pool, and I believe I am the first TAMU representative to participate in this program as a mentor,” Hapes said. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to work with an individual and this cohort of emerging leaders who are wanting to expand their leadership skills, participate in various dimensions within the NACADA organization and, by extension, give back to the profession of academic advising and to the students with whom they work.”