The Department of Entomology recently celebrated Extension specialist Bill Ree as he announced his retirement on August 31 with a special reception on August 13.
Ree began his career in Extension in 1988 as an Extension Agent-IPM with a specialization in pecans. As an Extension Agent-IPM, Ree worked with pecan growers on protecting pecans from pests such as the pecan weevil. In 2007, he was promoted to Extension Specialist III – IPM where he was also responsible for working with pecan growers on pest issues.
Ree has been instrumental in developing and delivering information about pest management of pecans to growers by informing them about important pests that affect orchards in Texas, as well as in the southern and southwestern US.
Ree has also presented on the topic of IPM in pecans at several events in Texas, New Mexico and Mexico and authored and co-authored Extension publications on pests such as the pecan weevil, fall webworm, and pecan nut casebearer.
Ree is a member of the Entomological Society of America and the Society of Southwestern Entomologists. He received the Southern Region IPM Center’s Outstanding IPM Program Award and was a co-recipient of the Friend of IPM Educator Award in 2008.
“Bill has done such a great service to Extension and industry, said Associate Department Head for Extension Entomology programs Dr. David Kerns. “We’re going to miss him greatly.”