During this December, the Department of Entomology “adopted” a family this holiday season that needed our help to make their Christmas special.
This year’s Christmas Wish List for the Adopted Family was very successful. The gifts were delivered Thursday afternoon, December 17, 2015 to a local family.
The family they chose consisted of a 4-year-old boy, 5-year-old boy, 7-year-old girl, 9-year-old boy, 10-year-old boy, 12 year-old girl, and their mother. With the gifts and donations given the department was able to provide each child with a pair of clothes, a coat, and a pair of shoes, a toy, and a book. In addition, they were also able to buy a few necessities for the mother of the children.
The Department would like to thank you for your support and donations this holiday season and for another successful year.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!