COLLEGE STATION, Texas—The stormy weather did not stop families and friends from celebrating the achievements of our Entomology and Forensic and Investigative Sciences students at the 19th annual Undergraduate Student Recognition Banquet on Thursday, April 16.
Students were treated to a buffet style dinner and desserts as members of the Aggie Forensic and Investigative Sciences (AFISO) and the Undergraduate Entomology Student Organization (UESO) led the event. Dr. Adrienne Brundage provided a motivational talk about discovery of one’s career path based upon her life experiences and decisions, and provided sage advice to students. Drs. Kevin Heinz and Pete Teel announced the recipients of the Department’s suite of scholarships. The recipients for this year are:

- Ryan Selking – Burrus McDaniel Scholarship
- Shelby Kilpatrick and Katrina Hicks – Len P. Quattrochi Memorial Scholarship
- Mya Gates –Fowden G and Katherine G Maxwell Scholarships
- Domingo Monjaras– Roger Gold Outstanding Faculty Scholarship
- Travis Faris – Dial and Eva Martin Scholarship
- Qifan Lin – Perry L. Adkisson Scholarship
- Andrew Graf – Manning A. Price Memorial Scholarship
- Judd Hatler and Adrianna Juarez– Paul Truman Riherd Scholarship
- Andrew Evans – Dr. Roger Walker Meola Memorial Scholarship
- Bryce Phelps- Honorah A. Doré Scholarship
- Jeremy Arnold, Christopher Hibbert, and Riley McBroom– Department of Entomology Scholarships

Shelby Kilpatrick, Andrew Graf, Jakalynne Gosnell, and Dayvion Adams were announced as the latest cohort of the Entomology Scholars Society. These students will be enaged in a series of activities at the university, college and departmental levels assisting prospective students with campus visits, assisting new students during summer conferences with class scheduling, and by planning/conducting special programs in conjunction with departmental faculty and staff.

Dr. Micky Eubanks was recognized as Professor of the Year. This award is given annually to the professor that does an outstanding job at instruction to the Department’s students. Elizabeth Lem was recognized as the AFISO Member of the Year, and Shelby Kilpatrick was recognized as the UESO Member of the Year award.
The organizations recognized Chelsea Holcomb as the Most Outstanding GraduateTeaching Assistant of the Year in Forensics and Emily Boothe for the Most Outstanding GraduateTeaching Assistant of the Year for Entomology. The AFISO 2015-16 officers were announced:
- Emily Grimshaw-President
- Whitney West-Vice President
- Stephanie Stratta – Treasurer
- Denise Carlos – Secretary
- Adrianna Tirloni – Activities Coordinator
- Melissa Espinoza – Treasurer
The UESO 2015-16 officers were announced:
- Andrew Graf – President
- Ryan Selking – Vice President
- Robin Callahan – Treasurer
- Jakalynne Gosnell – Secretary
- Catherine Collins – Historian
- Shelby Kilpatrick – Outreach Coordinator
- Melissa Espinoza – Webmaster

Senior Forensic and Investigative Sciences majors Kelsey Muniz and Caitlin Otto received the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Senior Merit Awards for 2015 during the Spring Awards Convocation on Saturday, April 18.
A native of Giddings, Texas, Muniz is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Forensic and Investigative Sciences major with the Law Emphasis Track. She is currently a member of the Aggie Forensic and Investigative Sciences Organization. As a member, she has helped with the organization’s annual bake sale fundraiser and volunteered with The Big Event in 2011. She also has been involved in several activities through her undergraduate experience, including volunteering for the Lee County Food Pantry and various functions for St. Paul Lutheran Church. In summer of 2014, she interned with the Austin Police Department as a Crime Scene Unit Intern, where she observed and assisted crime scene technicians with processing non-evidentiary items in the lab using Cyanoacrylate fuming, black powder and dye stains.

Otto, a native of Houston, Texas, is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Forensic and Investigative Sciences major with the Science Emphasis Track. During her career at A&M, she was a member of the Leggett Hall Council and served as its President from 2013-2014, as well as its Treasurer and Vice President in 2012-2013. Otto has been a member of the the Residence Hall Association and the Presidents Council from 2013-2014. She has also been involved with Relay for Life and has served both as a participant and as a Team Co-Leader for three years.